Decoding Sustainability
In today's article I want to draw attention to convenience based on the cost of nature.
OfCourse I am talking about Plastic!
Plastics have revolutionized our lives, but the environmental impact caused by plastics can't be ignored.
With over 8 million tons of plastic entering our oceans annually and microplastics reaching our food plates resulting in chronic and autoimmune diseases this condition is alarming!
Embracing the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle is cardinal. Consumers can play a crucial role in it by making conscious choices.
Let me give you an example- the plastic packets used in day to day business like food the plastic packets used in day to day business like packets of food ,milk, oil ,detergent et cetera need not be cut out and separated to extract the product as the small cut out parts don't reach the plastic recycling factories causing a frightening mound of plastic dump that may never be degraded!!
So why not take these small steps which can contribute to a big cause, after all isn't Earth the only planet we refer to as Mother?